Filamentation and Laser Matter Interaction Group (F-ILM)
Created in 1994, the activity of the Filamentation-Laser Matter Interaction group (F-ILM) has been devoted to the nonlinear propagation of intense femtosecond laser pulses in transparent media (gaz, liquids and solids), and in particular to the phenomenon of laser filamentation. It has developed a broad expertise in the study of plasma filaments, Kerr effect, long range propagation of fs laser pulses, secondary radiation produced by filaments (conical white light emission, THz emission, acoustic wave generation, UV lasing emission from filaments in gases) and applications of the filaments such as pulse compression or control of electric discharges.
Publications list of the F-ILM group
More info on femtosecond filamentation:
– A. Couairon, A. Mysyrowicz, “Femtosecond filamentation in transparent media,” Physics Reports 441, 47-189 (2007)
Femtosecond filamentation in Wikipedia