PLASMAScience is launching its first SUMMER SCHOOL

PLASMAScience is launching its first SUMMER SCHOOL

From 23 to 29 June 2024, the island of Porquerolles, France

EUR PLASMAScience is launching the first edition of the EUR PLASMAScience Summer School dedicated to astrophysical plasmas that will be held in the island of Porquerolles, France, on June 23-29th, 2024. The School is a one-week, charge-free, training program for highly-motivated Ph.D. students, post-docs and early career scientists interested in space and astrophysical plasmas.

The Summer School will cover the physics of the Inter-Cluster medium (ICM), disks around compact objects/black holes, interstellar medium (ISM), cosmic rays, sun, solar wind and planetary magnetospheres, laboratory astrophysics, etc.

The school will bring together world leading scientists in astrophysical plasmas to provide lectures on a broad spectrum of topics and methodologies (theory, numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, observations and modern techniques of data analysis such as AI/ML). “The PLASMAScience Summer School will be an excellent opportunity for the young international scientists to share their experience, enrich their network, discover the island of Porquerolles, a little paradise in France, off the coast of Hyères and Toulon on the Côte d’Azur, and enjoy the Mediterranean weather and the well-preserved landscapes of the site!”, explains Fouad Sahraoui, Scientific Director of the EUR PLASMAScience.

The registration is open until April 30, 2024: Summer School PLASMAScience – PLASMAScience