Research groups

Femtosecond lasers for Ultrafast Xuv sources (FLUX) This team has been studying, developing, and using coherent sources of XUV radiation—also known as

Ultrafast optics for QUANTUM materials QUANTUM TEAM: Ultrafast optics for QUANTUM materials The QUANTUM group was established in January 2024 to explore

Filamentation and Laser Matter Interaction Group (F-ILM) Created in 1994, the activity of the Filamentation-Laser Matter Interaction group (F-ILM) has been devoted to

Ultrafast sources of Particles and X rays (UPX) The UPX research group ( Ultrafast sources of Particles and X rays) focuses on the

Development and APPLIcation of ultrashort electron and light source The APPLI group was created in 2013. We combine broad expertise from two

Optical-Cycle Physics (PCO) The PCO group was created in 2005 on the impetus given by Excellence Chair grant of Gérard Mourou, director