Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée


Nov 28 2024


11 h 00 min - 12 h 00 min

Séminaire doctorant: David THEIDEL (QUANTUM): Quantum Effects in Semiconductor High-Harmonic Generation

Quantum Effects in Semiconductor High-Harmonic Generation
High-Harmonic Generation (HHG) is a unique, highly non-linear frequency up conversion process that creates a burst of ultrashort light pulses. Researchers have treated this process mostly from a semi-classical perspective. However, recently, theoretical and experimental works have started to investigate the presence of non-classical effects in HHG [1-4]. This new line of research merges aspects of strong-field physics, attosecond science with quantum optics and quantum information.
During the seminar, I will first give a brief introduction to relevant quantum optical effects like entanglement and squeezing of light.
Subsequently, I will review how researchers are using these effects as major resources for applications in quantum technologies. Further, I will present our most recent experimental findings on the quantum states generated in semiconductor HHG (SHHG). The focus is on our use of a versatile technique, measuring correlations in the light’s intensity fluctuations with single photon resolving detection. These intensity fluctuations are closely connected to the statistical properties of the photonic quantum state and characterize the underlying photon number distribution. Using this method, we measure strong correlations between SHHG orders, verify the presence of squeezing and entanglement in the SHHG radiation [1] and analyze the modal distribution of the generated quantum state [2].

[1] Theidel, David, et al. « Evidence of the quantum-optical nature of high-harmonic generation. » PRX Quantum 5 (2024): 040319
[2] Theidel, David, et al. « Observation of a Multimode Displaced Squeezed State in High-Harmonic Generation », arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.02311 (2024).
[3] Cruz-Rodriguez, Lidice, et al. « Quantum phenomena in attosecond science. » Nature Reviews Physics (2024): 1-14.
[4] Gorlach, Alexey, et al. « The quantum-optical nature of high harmonic generation. » Nature communications 11.1 (2020): 4598.