Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée


Oct 20 2023


11 h 00 min

Jonathan WHEELER, UPX group, LOA: « λ-Games: Studying Laser Interactions at the Wavelength Scale »

Friday 20/10, 11h, amphi du LOA:

Jonathan WHEELER, LOA, UPX group:
λ-Games: Studying Laser Interactions at the Wavelength Scale

Jonathan Wheeler re-joins LOA with the UPX group working on non-destructive testing on the MULTISCAN 3D project in the SHERIL installation. The seminar will give an overview of his past work (involving 2 recent Nobel laureates) on ultrashort laser interactions : including wavelength-scaling of high harmonic generation (HHG), influence of spatio-temporal coupling on HHG, and studies on focusing high energy laser systems to the lambda-cubed limit. A tentative thematic throughout the work: How can we play with our laser pulses at the wavelength scale to influence our secondary sources?

(Presentation in English)